The Evil Horror: Deltarune(Collection Games)

3 years ago

The birthday of the first release of the game!

Update 1.6.52


В честь дня рождения версии 1.5 - 1.5.2

Первая версия временно на сравнения будет в этом паке.


- Плавный переход во время окончания ночи.

- Слабая анимация офиса и некоторых сцен.


- Переделанное меню игры с логотипом.

- Исправлен баг с английской адаптацией "Ночи Приколов" и "Вдохновления"

- Исправлен баг с перепрохождениями "Ночи Приколов" и "Вдохновления"

- Отображение шрифта стало возможным и без установки шрифта(Но на всякий случай он есть в папке на случай, если у некоторых не будет работать)


In honor of the birthday, version 1.5 - 1.5.2

The first version is temporarily compared in this folder.


- Smooth transition during the end of the night.

- Weak animation of the office and some scenes.


- Redesigned game menu with logo.

- Fixed bug with the English adaptation of "Night of Pricks" and "Inspiration"

- Fixed bug with transitions of "Night of Pricks" and "Inspiration"

- It became possible to display the font without setting the font (But just in case it is in the folder in case some will not work)



Next up

Episode 3 is starting to be developed, and so is a look at the main office)

P.s. The Evil Horror: The Catalyst vs. The Evil Horror: Deltarune (Chapter 2)

Small hitches with the second episode!

Read article:

Screenshots of the gameplay of the 3rd episode:

ENG: Final Stage...

RUS: Финальный "Акт"

Happy New Year!

Read article! (ENG and RUS)

In order not to be bored, there will be radio stations in the 3rd episode (Sneak Peek of the 3rd episode)

Read Article!

The announcement of the big game!

Read article!

First preview

Update office

Read Article!

Read Artcle!