Nights NO Dream

7 months ago

The book is published

When you download the comic you will see it as separate images + the book where are my comments about the comic, its inspiration and things that happened to me to create it

#IndieComic #Comic #DigitalComic #Comics #NightsNoDream #Dev



Next up

Chapter 4!!

I know I haven't finished chapter 3 of NND but chapter 4 will be longer and more difficult since it will be on paper and I plan everything I'm going to draw.

#IndieComic #Comics #Comic #DrawComic #PencilComic #Mistery

Profile Frames

I'm working on something difficult right now, I've also decided to take a break on certain days to get fresher ideas for #ReunionFate's gameplay

#IndieDev #PixelArtist #PixelGame #HorrorGame #Creator #CherryDev #IndieGame #Zombie

New Book

I'm writing a book with my comments when creating these comics, each episode will have its comments included, I also added certain things about myself in case you want to know me better.

#IndieComic #OriginalStory #Comic #NightsNODream #Story

Imagine saying that a developer killed you.

Today was a day that I wanted to take advantage of and boy did I do it, playing CS gave me back that joke I needed to not make my weeks so monotonous

#IndieDev #CounterStrike #Humor #Meme #CherryStart

Rest day = Recording day

I've finished the Archa audios, now it's time for the game Get a Burger by developer @rhysible , so far it looks promising and I like the opening music, it doesn't matter if it's original or not

#IndieDev #GamePlay #IndieGame

Another important book

There will be a special mission in the game where, apart from receiving a charismatic friend, we will also be introduced to the main mechanics of the game

#IndieDev #GameDev #PixelArt #ReunionFate #IndieGame #HorrorGame


Honestly this is getting harder than it used to be, mainly because of the details, but don't worry, NND Chapter 3 is almost over.

#IndieComic #Comics #IndieStory #PixelArt #PixelArtist #PixelComic

Episode 3 of NND

I hope you like the artistic touch worked here, you know that you can create your own story and I can put it in an episode, don't forget to share

#IndieComic #Comics #Comic #PixelComic #GameJolt #NightsNoDream #Indie #Story

A small preview of Reunion Fate is now available on Youtube:

Please remember to leave a like and a comment, it's free and that helps a lot to get Youtube to recommend the video

#IndieDev #ReunionFate #GameDev #PixelArt #PixelArtist

Chapter 3

Chapter 3 of Nights NO Dream will have a pixel art section and a somewhat blasphemous story but I hope not to offend anyone, this is just for entertainment

#IndieComic #PixelArtist #Pixel #Indie #DigitalComic #Comics