3 months ago

the collection so far ( •̀ ω •́ )✧



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Also known as I'minlovewithmycomputersongic, this is a xenogender connected to the song 'I'm in love with my computer' by Andy Warhol Banana Technicolor! Coined and flag by me.

(Made with objectums in mind but any1 can use, this is /srs!)

what do you do when i pull up with the 56 xenogenders /silly

zombpupgender ! a gender related to both a zombie, dogs, and / or being a zombie dog!

(Ask for the person who made it's tumblr, i do not want them to get unnessacary hate!)

I need to change place to live how fast I can so I openning commss If u want to know why exactly check my insta

My tat can be longer 

Here Is my tos (upfront payment bc of bad situation)


I will be gratefull for any help!


A gender related and/or connected to toxic waste, radioactivity, biohazards, acids, poisons, and glowing green materials associated with radioactivity often seen in science fiction!

(This is serious, and made for neurodivergent trans folk!)

I.. may have fallen head over heels for LoL's Sett... I can't stop playing him I love him sm

this art is a mix between his HEARTSTEEL skin and his default look


"a xenogender related to emo and/or scene fashion, 2000s and early 2010s nostalgia, internet culture and anything else associated with it"

Made by @ ZOMBIEZDOTCOM on twitter!

InFactSongic -

A xenogender connected to the song "In fact" by Gregory and the Hawk.

(Flag by me, this is /srs!)

Tumblr upload ; https://www.tumblr.com/xenopanic/767979622079053824/infactsongic…

Full color for @/fnaffan7946 on Twitter

me logging onto this account JUST to be nice to everyone and spread positivity

(neopronoun and xenogender users ya'll rock)