We (and by we, I mean @yri5 mostly and I just ask questions cos I'm dumb) are working on porting a brand new compiler to Unsandboxed, one that by all accounts should be faster(?) and easier to work with.
The new compiler is one that should also be coming to TurboWarp, but when that will happen is currently unclear. We're running with it early because Unsandboxed is an experiment.
This means any features I'm working on, such as statement inputs in custom blocks, are being held off until the new compiler is fully implemented. It's not worth adding stuff to the old compiler, just to port it to the new one later on.
Furthermore, the old compiler was made for a TurboWarp from years past, and just doesn't hold up to what we need it to do. It worked for Scratch, just not for Unsandboxed.
I don't know when the new compiler will be live, but when it is up and running it'll be mostly positives for us, and basically a win-win for all of you.
As this is mostly a vm/internals change, I will still be working on random smaller bits like GUI tweaks, addons, and a small custom block change that I want to see through.
Thank you for the wonderful support for this weird little experiment!
Lily, Unsandboxed