2 years ago

The Current TEA Cast (READ ARTICLE)

Cooper Holmes:

Gender: Male

Height: '6"1

Age: 19

Status: Deceased

General Information: He was last seen alive in Ellwood Elementary, his family claims that he came back to visit his family 4 days before the incident occurred, he went to the school alone, which makes the situation all the more unexplainable.

Charlie Holmes:

Gender: Male

Height: '6"3

Age: 24

Status: Unknown

General Information: He is the main suspect of the murder of his brother Cooper Holmes, he has been on the run for weeks now, and was last spotted in Glenville.

Anya Brown:

Gender: Female

Height: '5"9

Age: 20

Status: Alive

General Information: Cooper Holmes' Girlfriend, and the only other suspect of the murder, she is currently being interrogated by the Ellwood Police Department but they haven't gotten any leads from her.

James Brown:

Gender: Male

Height: '6"4

Age: 23

Status: Alive

General Information: Anya Brown's Brother, he has been interrogated by the Ellwood Police Department countless times, and has always plead not guilty.

Steven Garvey:

Gender: Male

Height: '5"11

Age: 33

Status: Alive

General Information: A cop working for the Ellwood Police Department, he has been working on Cooper's case for an immensely long amount of time and many of his co-workers have become concerned for both his mental and physical health.

Peter Thompson:

Gender: Male

Height: '6"1

Age: 27

Status: Alive

General Information: Another cop working for the Ellwood Police Department, he has also been working on Cooper's case but has basically left it behind, and is extremely concerned for Steven.

Adam Graine:

Gender: Male

Height: '6"3

Age: 28

Status: Alive

General Information: Peter Thompson's Best Friend and another Cop with the Elwood Police Department, he didn't work on the case of Cooper's murder.

Rebecca Lee:

Gender: Female

Height: '5"8

Age: 36

Status: Deceased

General Information: Another Cop who was working on the Cooper situation, she reportedly had ended her own life just 2 weeks after she began working on the case.



Next up

Was listening to Terrified (The One Walten Files Song) and Drew This

Fred the Black Bear and Ronnie the Rabbit!

Under the Mask

Together Again

I don't think he understands how this works.

Redesigned Harold AGAIN


Remastered Charles' Ref Sheet since the Old One was kinda Bad