Destructivator was my post popular game - both in 2008 when originally released and more recently when the good folks at Game Jolt featured it on the front page when I uploaded a slightly polished version recently.
All this despite the game being knocked up in 2 or 3 weeks. A simple idea that I rushed through to completion. Not much in the way of content, no replayability value, annoying music, very basic graphics. But the core gameplay mechanic did what I wanted it to do. It’s simple, but I think it works, and people enjoyed it. It’s fast, tough, borderline unfair but ultimately a load of fun.
When I was tidying it up to release on Game Jolt, it struck me that I could do so much more with it. So, here I am, writing a devblog about the sequel.
I’ve already made a lot of good progress so there’ll be another post coming soon. Stay tuned!