6 months ago

The end of 2023.

So here I am, with my best friend @MAASTOMIES getting stuff done, him playing on my PS5 and me working on the picture you see here. Now it is once again time for me to make my annual end of the year post.

This year, I worked on many new things, roleplays and ideas, entered a new way in life as I hit 20 years of age. Many bad things happened this year, but many good things too. I've learnt much and I intend on making the next year better for not just myself, but also the people I care about. I met great people this year, but I also lost many.

So yeah just like last year, I'm in a hurry to type to go launch the fireworks. I always mess this up till the last second don't I? Well, happy new year everyone. Thank you for following, watching, and enjoying my content I made across the internet. My new year's resolution is basically improving myself physically and mentally.

Happy new year to everyone!! <3

Important credits: Nightmaiden & the render of Glamrock Baby belong to the people who worked on TPRR/The Pizzeria Roleplay Remastered on Roblox.



Next up

Insanity + My discord server

Empress Ellen

Wolfy's Hotel returns.

Feeling quite Christmassy, quite nice.

Been a bit inactive here, got nothing else much to report chief. Doing well and happy.

Wowie, it’s #spawnday

Merry Christmas 2023!

Redzina(CHADZINA GIGARED) and Andrew Garfield(CHADREW GIGAFIELD) featuring H Ö G

I am sleepy. But dis is veri funni.

Made for @sunsetblood da real chad chadrew gigafield

I'm back! (Read desc.)

It's my 20th Birthday.