ToyFreddy's Imprudent Purgatory
1 year ago


Progress Report #6

Sorry I've been silent for so long. I didn't want make another progress report unless I actually has something to say. And now I do! As you can see I am basically done with the first tutorial. Just need to draw over the dialogue sprites a few times to get that wavy effect everything else in the scene has. All of the customers are basically done too! Just have a thing or two left I gotta draw, and some voice lines I need to implement/record.

The part that might take awhile to finish at this point is the nighttime segment. Most of it is fully working mechanically, I just not fully pleased with the visuals at the moment. And that is going to take A LOT of rendering n shit so it might not be done for a bit.(I also gotta redraw some of the visuals in the nighttime section cuz the gamejam version sucks)

I have also stripped down the shop to only being holding grounds for the achievements. Currency and Minigames in the game just didn't really feel right, so I took them out. Desk collectibles get to stay though. Their just locked behind the achievements.


Also you may have noticed Susan got a redraw! I decided to redo the sprites of all 4 customers from the original gamejam build infact. I'll only show this angry picture of Helga here though. Don't wanna spoil too much.


That's all I wanna say for now. Hopefully the next progress report won't be in 4 months lol🙏🙏🙏



Next up

what a kind looking lady

Never Soggy Eat Wheat

Weekly Progress Report #2: fuck


the ramblings of a madman

Rat Race Production Update

skill issue

YOUR IDEAS CAN BE ADDED TO THE GAME!!! Read the article for more infomation!

''Could someone be at my window?''

Weekly Progress Report #3: Corruption