The Evil Horror: Deltarune(Collection Games)
3 years ago

The Evil Horror: Deltarune. Final update - 1.6.4

If you have AI problems, let me know, I'll fix it.



Добавлено GameJolt API

Добавлены кат-сцены

Ночь Артёма - заменяет "Испытания"

Добавлено "Меню ночей"


Изменено "Дополнение"

Переделана газета

Добавлены ссылки автора

Убран баг с меню "Extra"

Добавлено новый раздел в "Extra"

Будут баги и слишком мощные ИИ - пишите исправлю


- Innovations

Added API GameJolt

Cat scenes added

Artyom Night - replaces "Tests"

Added "Menu of nights"

- Changes

Modified "Attachment"

The newspaper was redone

Added Author Links

Removed bug from the menu "Extra"

Added a new section to "Extra"

There will be bugs and too powerful AI - write fix



Next up

Read Artcle!

Art and fan art competition for Episode 3!

Read Article(ENG and RUS)

Важная новость по поводу игры!

Important news about the game!

Read Article!

The announcement of the big game!

Read article!

The second episode is completely over! Read Article!

Screenshots of the gameplay of the 3rd episode:

Viewing the location of the 1st episode "The Evil Horror: The Catalyst"

First preview

Episode 3 is starting to be developed, and so is a look at the main office)

P.s. The Evil Horror: The Catalyst vs. The Evil Horror: Deltarune (Chapter 2)