West Tree: The Beginning

3 years ago

The final GAMETEST update (0.0.3)

Yep. Next update we'll have Alpha version!

This update is just a few bug fixes. The only feature that isn't a bug fix is that now when you open chests, a dialogue will open and say what is in that chest.

Also you can play in other PC Operation Systems that isn't Windows.



Next up

Was looking at West Tree files and found this

It's a enemy called "Moonflower". I don't know what my original idea for her was, but I guess it was for shooting projectiles, because in her folder there is a projectile sprite

I totally forgot about her lol

Spyrit: The Florest Guardian

Spyrit: O Guardião da Floresta

That is why the game is taking so long to finish

West Tree GAMETEST 0.0.1 version update

The Ruins

As Ruinas

Oi pessoal, vocês já ouviram falar no jogo que eu estou neste momento desenvolvendo para o publico, West Tree?

Damn you doubles


Icelige (West Tree TB OST)

0.0.2 West Tree Update