West Tree: The Beginning

2 years ago

The Ruins

As Ruinas

I already finished many things of Treearia surfice, so why not start deep down?

This place was supposted to lead people for many different places in Treearia, but it was deteriorating until it slowly became where we are now.

This place it was basicaly a excuse for using Unity 2D Light. I added to each room some lights to get easier to see, but with lower intesity, so it gets kind of dark, but not too dark. I was using at the start Point Lights, but I noticed that Freeform Lights were better for this. Point Lights are more useful for illuminate just a small area (Like how I used in the player, but it could be used in other things, like lanterns or fireplaces)

By the way, there will be more Ruins in Treearia world. And if you enter or exit one, there's no turning back, so just enter (or exit) it if you are 100% sure you didn't miss anything.

Já terminei muitas coisas da superfície de Treearia, então por que não ir mais fundo?

Este lugar deveria levar as pessoas para muitos lugares diferentes em Treearia, mas ele lentamente estava se deteriorando até se tornar onde estamos agora.

Este lugar era basicamente uma desculpa para usar o Unity 2D Light. Acrescentei a cada sala algumas luzes para ficar mais fácil de ver, mas com menor intensidade, para que fique meio escuro, mas não muito escuro. Eu estava usando no início as Point Lights, mas notei que as Freeform Lights eram melhor para isso. Point Lights são mais úteis para iluminar apenas uma pequena área (como eu usei no jogador, mas pode ser usado em outras coisas, como lanternas ou lareiras)

A propósito, haverá mais Ruínas no mundo de Treearia. E se você entrar ou sair de uma, não há como voltar atrás, então apenas entre (ou saia) se tiver 100% certo de que não que não deixou nada pra trás.



Next up

The final GAMETEST update (0.0.3)

Game intro that I gonna work in today.

By the way, today is #screenshotsaturday!

Menu: The Ultimate Book About Almost Everything (Edition 1)

Menu: O Livro Definitivo Sobre Quase Tudo (Edição 1)


NEW TRAILER: Heat and Run launches into Early Access on Steam & Gamejolt on October 13, 2022.

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#trailertuesday #earlyaccess #gamedev

Icelige (West Tree TB OST)

Boss battle on mobile device (prototype)

So far this is only a test, in the future it will be finalized.

West Tree GAMETEST 0.0.1 version update

0.0.2 West Tree Update

The Gnome Gang has been tormenting the inhabitants of the Toscana since the world went into the eternal night. They are chaotic, annoying and mildly dangerous. Probably a tiny bit more of a threat now that they have learned how to make bombs.

Was looking at West Tree files and found this

It's a enemy called "Moonflower". I don't know what my original idea for her was, but I guess it was for shooting projectiles, because in her folder there is a projectile sprite

I totally forgot about her lol