5 years ago


Hi everyone! It’s been a few days since I revealed ATONEMENT to the public, so I might as well take the initiative to actually explain what it even is.


ATONEMENT occurs 10 years after what is referred to as a “Soulless True Pacifist Route,” long after Chara has taken control of the SOUL that was sold to them by you. Before the game starts, you’re killed and sent to HELL. Upon arriving, Lucifer mocks you for your actions above ground, but notices that your SOUL has been sold. He then realizes that there are two entities in control of the SOUL: you and Chara. Afterwards, he gives a brief explanation about SAVE files and ground rules and whatever and lets you wander off.


The ultimate goal of the game is to regain control of your body and SOUL. In order to do that, you need SOUL Power, otherwise known as DETERMINATION (shortened to DT).

DT is gained either by destroying other people’s SOULs and taking their DT, by cooperating with someone to lend their SOULs power to you, or by stealing and absorbing SOULs into your body. In order to gain DT at all, you need to enter FIGHTs with others and bring their HP down to 0. Once their HP is 0, their SOUL will leave their body, giving you the chance to either shatter it, absorb it, or spare it.

Entering fights is mostly optional, with only a handful of required fights in the entire game. However, obtaining DT from only the required enemies will not be enough to free your SOUL from Chara. If you want to gain more DT, you have to go out of your way to encounter others that you can fight.


The release of the game (otherwise referred to as the “ATONEMENT Window” by some individuals) will… uhh… take a while. I feel as though creating a huge team for something like this is unnecessary, given that Toby Fox has created UNDERTALE singlehandedly, minus art assistance. Creating a huge team will just cause delays, internal conflicts, etc etc etc. Therefore, I plan on being the sole developer and writer, since really no dev wants to suffer through someone elses bad code, and I will only accept a few creative volunteers.

HOWEVER ! ! ! I am confident that with my ability to work quickly and swiftly when I’m motivated, the game won’t take terribly long to make. I mean, I started the project a month ago and I have most of the necessary structure created.

I’ll also have a demo available for the first area of the game when I get to that point.

I do have a free time work schedule that I’ll be loosely following for the next several months, which consists of:



  • WEEK 2 | “Heart-Pounding Escape” Work (RynoGG Animation)

  • WEEK 3 | Toontown Offline Work

  • REST OF THE MONTH | Anything

That being said, I plan on releasing the game on Windows, Mac, and Android. Android functionality is pretty much perfect, which took me a whole 8 straight hours of pure frustration and stress to create 90% of it.

That’s all I’m gonna write for now. Expect something of the game being shown off next devlog, whether it be screenshots or a video!

- Ryno



Next up

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UPDATE: Do-Over Time

DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.3 Patch

DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.2 Update

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