2 years ago

The first Minecraft game on Scratch to have lightning like in the original! (Block par block light)



Next up

I'm adding a chat and some commands to my game! I also added particles (big thanks to @TheGreenFlash for them)

I added new blocs and made a big optimisation, 1 FPS at res 8 -> 25 FPS! Now you can look around with your mouse :D

Made a new version of my engine only for textured models! Super fast! (15~20 fps at res 2 and perfect sorting, thanks to z buffer)

codebombs go brrrrrrrrrrrr

Render distance of 13 chunks

Onix (left) Knox (right) Mio/Tails (middle)

I just published my Scratch 3D engine on Gamejolt! If someone want to try it: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/753555952/ or if you want the spyro castle: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/767782783/

Working on a new version of my Minecraft recreation on Scratch, this one is ~3x faster, supports mobs and non-full blocks (like slabs). I rewrited all the rendering engine for this, I did not shared/updated the project for now :)

what ya'll think?


I made a new thumbnail using 1) A new and more realistic ambient occlusion (Added it in game, not only for the thumbnial)

2) The new lightning system