Five Nights at Kirby's

1 month ago

The Five Nights at Kirby's Character Design Contest

Hello, fine folks! This is an announcement for the Five Nights at Kirby's Character Design Contest (or TFNAKCDC if you don't have much time.)

This contest will involve creating your own Five Nights at Kirby's character. Anyone is allowed to participate.

But why should I participate?

Good question! All entrants that meet the guidelines will have their character appear in the game as an easter egg. Sounds pretty good if you ask me.

But this is a contest, and there is a winner. The top three placing designs will appear as enemies in the Custom Mode, unlocked after beating the game.

I'm interested! What are the guidelines?

  • Your design must be some variant of a "Kirby". As well, you should give it distinguishing features, but don't feel limited to just using official Kirby copy abilities. Get creative!

  • This should really go without saying, but no graphic designs. If you can't show it to a ten year old, it's probably not okay to submit.

  • No variants of existing characters. For instance, don't submit something like "Nightmare Blony" or "Funtime Ramadon".

  • Submit a full, colored design of your character. Include as many details as possible so that I can give the most accurate result I can.

  • No submitting other people's designs. Make them yourself.

  • Only one submission per individual. If you submit multiple designs, I will simply pick the one I like best.

You can submit through this form. Make sure to include your username, the character's name, and at least one image of your character.

Submissions will be open between May 15th 3pm PST until May 22nd 3pm PST.



Next up

say hello to guard dee!

hired to look over the diner, this half-robo insomniac cretin wants nothing more than sleep and coffee.

unfortunately for them, sleep won't come easy for them this week!

(note: they don't die when you get caught. no one dies here.)

sory for making fnak at kirbys woke... kidding! SUCK IT LOSER'S! ROFL

Just one more hour until the Gameplay Trailer premieres! Come watch it here! (And happy 5th anniversary!)

will be getting in contact with testers very soon

fun fact! i have over a gigabyte of beta builds of fnak. pretty crazy, right? also BIG ANNOUNCEMENT EITHER LATER TODAY OR TOMORROW STAY TUNED FOLKS

i apologize for the lack of updates lately, i've been super busy with stuff not pertaining to the game. i plan to make some big reveals very soon though, so keep an eye out! just wanted to make sure no one thought i died or something like that.

happy birthday to me!


i wonder what they're dreaming about?