6 Feet Behind (DEMO)

4 years ago

The full game is out.

You can now enjoy 44 levels of making angry supernatural entities collide with random bystanders for 1$.



Next up

Minor demo update:

-Fixed a bug that made some enemy bullets phase through the player’s real body even if they touched it.

-Reworked the pause menu.

-Added the option to disable the dither effect.

-The third campaign has been completed.

-The game has new graphics effects to match the "creepy doodle" aesthetic.

-There will be a fourth campaign, but it might be shorter than the current ones.

The Pseudo-Haunting demo is out!

Android version released

Added the Spanish translation. It has been added as a separate executable file since the game’s old code can’t handle switching between languages. Additionally, a few bugs in both versions have been corrected.

Latide's Plane is now released on Gamejolt (I totally forgot that I had only published this on

It's just an old platformer game I made when I was still using Game Maker Studio. Nothing special but probably a fun timewaster.

Something has been found.

Devlog 1 & demo update

ANIMA has been re-uploaded.