6 Feet Behind (DEMO)

4 years ago

-The third campaign has been completed.

-The game has new graphics effects to match the "creepy doodle" aesthetic.

-There will be a fourth campaign, but it might be shorter than the current ones.



Next up

The full game is out.

You can now enjoy 44 levels of making angry supernatural entities collide with random bystanders for 1$.

Devlog 1 & demo update

Android version released

Something has been found.

Added the Spanish translation. It has been added as a separate executable file since the game’s old code can’t handle switching between languages. Additionally, a few bugs in both versions have been corrected.

ANIMA has been re-uploaded.

The Pseudo-Haunting demo is out!

DETUNED is out.

The second campaign has been completed.

-This one is more fast-paced and chaotic that the one in the demo.

-I am currently working on a third one, which will be more slow-paced.

-The 3 campaings will be in the final game. They can be played in any order.