Nights at Baldi's Basics Learning Edition

1 month ago

The game is 100% finished And yes, I finished it yesterday, but I had forgotten to put a guide to the camping night, but after the beta test, I will fix that. And if you want to be a beta tester, don't forget to mention it here



Next up

you won (I don't know how I got to this amount quickly, but it must have been luck)

follow the game:…

the game is 100% finished

the fearless nerds

I really like the Mimic

I have beaten my own game

and the autosave works fine, I just need to recode some things in the game, like the difficulty and among other things etc. so if the game comes out at an earlier stage, then it will come out in the last days of February

Cold Memories | The Fazbear Facility - Teaser

the office

The calls are all completed, thank you very much @Sim_Naum I wish you were still Phone Guy in the next two games.

and thanks for the 1000 views, thanks for the great support

HI HI HI back from the dead!! And good news? A BRAND NEW RENDER FOR YOU ALL TO ENJOY!