Sunny's Cafe: Desolation
1 year ago

The game is not dead, I've just been taking a few breaks because of school, but school just got out today so progress will speed up! Stay tuned.

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Next up

The game is extremely close to being finished!

Once the extras menu is complete, I just have to play test and polish it all up, then it's done!


I'm going on vacation for about a week, so I obviously won't be able to work on the game. So, it will be on a short pause until i get back. All I really need to do besides finish the extras menu is playtest and find any bugs, so stay tuned!

GAME ALMOST DONE??? (Devlog 3)

4th of July Devlog

[read article]

Original Sunny's Cafe (2020), one of my first games ever, compared to Sunny's Cafe: Desolation, my most recent. It's crazy to see how far I've come.


I got a sledgehammer