[Dusttale: Disbelief] Murderer Path (Dustbelief take)

1 year ago

The hell??

I was trying not to die after New year party and ya all made that???




Next up

Happy new year everyone! unfortunately we dont have much to show that time but still we can show you that little sneak peek on something we cooking

Progress slowed a lil bit again, but thats not a problem, soon We are going to show something big, but for now here's a wip of one thing from menu

#sans #phantomsans #undertale #dusttale #dustbelief #art #fanart #sketch

Im glad that i finaly reveal to all you that our game wont have only Papyrus battle but also some other additional stuff you will be able to play!

!!Everything in video is still not a final version, a lot of stuff can change in future!!

Read article please!!! (ok actually closed now)

my failed attempt of making logo for thanatos it didnt fit

so im just gonna post it as a fanart instead cause i love it

#undetale #underswap #thanatos


#art #sprite #fanart #pixelart

I drew birthday present for @emmy-liquid

#art #digitalart