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Knuckles got Artistocrated and Mustached!

His name is: ... KUKUNUCKLES

Are you ready for round 2 >:33333333

#SonicABC #Sonic_Exe #Parody #Funny #Sprite #Knuckles #Aristocrat

I made that sprite like a month ago or something
forgor to post it lol

#undertale #underswap #thanatos

#sprite #art #pixelart #fanart


Trying to make my OC Ani the Parrot as a Sonic Modgen Character for some games of me :D

#Sonic #OC #Character #Sprite #Spriter

Ordrux Sheet Ref (My take on exe) #sprite #pixel #sonicexe #sonicthehedgehog #art #lmao

my failed attempt of making logo for thanatos
it didnt fit

so im just gonna post it as a fanart instead cause i love it

#undetale #underswap #thanatos


#art #sprite #fanart #pixelart