Jamie's: Phase 1

6 months ago

The lost models were def better, but I think I can handle with this ones. I made Jamie short cuz I want to and I can. I took off Hopp's star cuz I didn't like it and chanded he's gender. You might notice that they look a bit friendly......

But I can turn anything into TERROR.



Next up

Gartic Phone gone wrong



Happy Feb 14 everyone! Thanks for the support the game has recieved lately. Now, some fairly bad news....

I don't agree 100% with rebelling against the Scratch Team, but I think it's unfair that they are so exaggerated with their regulations

Unused cartoon models. Idk why I tried to make them look furry with the second one.

Thanks for the 50 followers!

We would like to present Frances, the axoloth!

She will have an important rule to the story and the gameplay of this game!

Never have sex with cute anime girls.....

Office done, now the boring part: AI and Cams.

Devlog 7

Is it me, or this game used to have more support on its initial phase? I mean, look how trash it used to look.

Here side by side compare. You can see the quality difference very clearly.