1 year ago

The Mystery of Mystery: Final Part!

One day, ten years after the divorce:

  • Misty Stae: So Mommy, let me get this straight: you say that Daddy passed away the moment I was born?

  • Sammy Stae: You mean when we were born!

  • Nonna Stae: Sadly, yes, that is true. He was such a good man and I miss him very much! (In her head: Miss him? Ha! I never want to see that guy ever again! I don't want my kids to be like their father!)

  • Sammy Stae: Mommy, do I HAVE to go to the Super Schoolhouse?

  • Nonna Stae: Of course you do! There are literally no other schools within a 10-mile radius!

  • Sammy Stae: But how come Misty doesn't have to go?!

  • Misty Stae: Because this weirdo school doesn't allow students with broken wrists! Especially ones with a injury known as: "Brokenous Foreverous"!

  • Sammy Stae: But how cool is it for me to say: 'My sister's wrist was struck by lightning and so it will never be healed!'

  • Misty Stae: Why you little...!

  • Nonna Stae: Enough, you two! Sammy; you're going to Baldi's schoolhouse whether you like it or not! And Misty; you are going to be homeschooled. By me!

  • Misty Stae: But Mommy, I thought you were going to be the school's new meditation teacher!

  • Nonna Stae: Yes, I did apply for the job, but that idiot Baldi said that 'his school doesn't need meditation because math is more important'!

  • Sammy Stae: Okay, I'll go to Baldi's school...

  • Nonna Stae: That's more like it! I can't wait to see what you learned!

Meanwhile on the streets...

  • Mr. Mystery: Ugh. Dirt and pebbles for lunch again. It's not like I can have anything else since I live all alone in this alley...

  • Baldi: Greetings, random stranger I've never met before! How would you like a job at a schoolhouse?

  • Mr. Mystery: Why would you ask me? I'm just a man with a question-mark block for a head!

  • Baldi: Exactly! That's the kind of person I need at my school! Just answer me this: do you have any money?

  • Mr. Mystery: No.

  • Baldi: What about any experience with kids?

  • Mr. Mystery: I don't think so...

  • Baldi: Wonderful! You're hired!

  • Mr. Mystery: Wait... really?

  • Baldi: Of course! You're the perfect choice for the job that I'm looking for: I need you to make sure that the students keep the power generator running at all times!

  • Mr. Mystery: Well, what happens if they don't?

  • Baldi: Then they must DIE!

  • Mr. Mystery: It will be done, sir. Also, can I live in your schoolhouse?

  • Baldi: Alright, just don't be loud and annoying like the Principal...

On Sammy's first day of school...

  • Sammy Stae: Well, this is a weird school...

  • Baldi: Oh, hi! Welcome to my schoolhouse!

  • Sammy Stae: Yeah, yeah, I don't care...

  • Baldi: Thanks a lot, kid! Oh by the way, there's someone else who wants to meet you!

  • Mr. Mystery: Listen student. I don't want the power to go out here. So I would appreciate it if you kept that generator thing running, okay?

  • Sammy Stae: Okay...

  • Mr. Mystery: Wait, haven't I seen you before?

  • Sammy Stae: No, of course not!

  • Mr. Mystery: Oh :(

  • (Sammy wanders off, only to run into a sin collector)

  • Sin Collector: Hey there, kid! How would you like to have a part-time job as a sin collector?

  • Sammy Stae: What's a sin collector?

  • Sin Collector: Basically, all they do is suck up the sins that people have made so that they can be given to me!

  • Sammy Stae: Two questions: One, how are you supposed to suck up sins? And two: why do you want all those sins anyway?

  • Sin Collector: That's none of your business! Anyways, take my Sin-Sucker Upper! It'll get rid of people's sins in no time! But they gotta pay the price, of course. Everyone knows that nothing in life is free!

  • Sammy Stae: Wow! Thanks, mister!

  • Sin Collector: You can get started right away. And when you're done, just bring it back to me!

  • Sammy Stae: I'll do my best! (Leaves)

  • QWERTY: Yes... give me the sins so that I will be able to revive my home planet!

The End!?

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