2 days ago

The nails😭😭



Next up

Editing them bc their so pretty and I just absolutely love their starmaker cosplay

This is so off beat

(I watched inside out 2 in theaters today and it was so good)

Dig up charles dead grandma

Just a silly little guy

So I started trying a different style and I don't like it😭 it looks so weird idk if I wanna finish it at this point

I was bored so I decided to change their designs

I started watching dead boy detectives last night and it's so good. It's like a mix of good omens and doctor who

Me and pookie

No I'm not gonna shut up talking about him bc it really does hurt. Have the prime ministers never heard of a thing called freedom of speech? Attacking him and ganging up on him isn't gonna do any good.

(Imma just rant here you don't have to read)

This is so bad- I wanted to give gacha a try again but at this point I shouldn't-