2 years ago

The Nightmare at Charles saga Checkmate

Before is start the review the nightmare at Charles saga I will call the game and games (nac) any ways the nac saga was made by @Official_AndrewJohn100 and it has 4 games so ya this is going to be a long read better use a text to speech generator for this but lets get started

Nightmare at charles

Nac 1 is the first game in the series and it took 1 year to make and its based on FNAF 1 witch is my favorite game, since it based of that game i have a soft spot for this game but.

Gameplay: The gameplay of nac 1 is simple you have a door, a vent on your left and a close vent button witch can only be accessit by the cams also on the doors have no lights on them so look on the cams to see them this makes the cams actually useful there are also sound Effects in the vents when a animatronic comes speaking of the animatronics this is how to them

Ashley: active on night 1 she will come to the door look at the cam to see her at the door and close it she will make a sound when she leaves

Billy: Billy also active on night 1 goes tru the vent at the left of your office is hear the vent sound or just see him im the vent cam close it he will make a the same sound Effect when he leaves so keep that is mind

Pedro: active on night 2 Pedro uses the vent camera he will make the same sound as Billy so you should always look at his vent cam he adds a hard challenge to the game by far the most so he can end your run with energy so ya

Charles: the main star of the series his designs is by far the best in my option its one of the your best charter and in my option its super similar to Bonnies from fnaf 1 but, Charles is active on night 3 and like ashley je will go to the door and goes away after a while he will also laugh a lot but i don’t think its connected to the gameplay like in five nights at Freddy’s 1

Morton: the final character of this game Morton is same as Ashley and Charles but when he gets in your office he doesn’t kill he jams the door so anyone can enter he is s fine addition and i never had any horrible problem with him

And those are all the characters they look really good and i like them but on the max mode 5/20 its a pain to play your power goes so fast and the animatronics sat at your doors and vents so long that every victory who beat the max mode runned out of power and were on the first frames of a jumpscare witch is just insane oh and also when you run out of power your FT in seconds and there is no tordor march music from out friend Charlie here. At the end the gameplay can be hard but fun it the same time i felt so happy when i completed the max mode for this game is was that amazing. FINAL RATING 8/10

Visuals: This games visuals are super good the animatronics while nothing special are really charming and the office while being to bright is decent and gets the job done i have really nothing to say about the visuals so lets go to the next game. FINAL RATING 7/10

Music: the soundtrack of this game is only the menu witch is kind of WEIRD? It reminds a lot of the fnaccr the sad ambiance music if alright and unlike many other fnaf fan games this one is actually good. There is even lees to talk about the visuals so lets get to the final rating of nac1.

Final rating. This game was super fun and i had a blast playing it at 3:30 am with friends lol but there is a extras menu witch is really empty. But i would recommend to any fnaf player it is fun, challenging and has good visuals final rating 8/10. after the success of game the dev started a sequel.

Nightmare at Charles 2

The first sequel of nac, nac2 is more like FNAF 2 so lets get started

Gameplay: to defend your self you have a steam if you use more than 79% you can die steam counters the toys but on later nights you have to use it more oftenly , and you also have 2 doors and a window you have lights on them and a shock button to counter the animatronics

RockTime Charles, Ashley, Billy and Teresa the Tiger can enter your office ONLY IF THARE IN THE VENTS AND YOU OPEN THE CAMERAS to counter them hold your steam hold to 79% and then wait till 89% and wait till 85% and they will go

Rocktime Pedro also jr Morton: he will run to you here is a Tip just every time hold it oftenly this will most likely counter him

Burnt Charles, Ashley, Pedro, Billy, Morton they will only use the doors light the lights and when you see them shock them you have a battery but on night 6 and max mode you will run out of it Fast like on max mode hun BYE BYE BATTERY I think you will not die if you use his battery without spending it recklessly oh and also after you beat 10/20 mode you get to play a minigame in the minigame you click Terisa the Tiger when you repair her witch is the point of the minigame btw she will kill you and stuff you into a suit and it ends. The gameplay is really easy after i spend 1 try i beated the max mode for reference it took me 3 days to beat the max mode and every day i tryed 5-8 times a day and nac 2 is really easy when you get it anyways. Final rating 6/10

Visuals: the visuals in nac 2 are kind of a drop. all the rockstars or as I’m going to call them the toys look rushed or that they came out of a FNAF Smf animation like really, the burnt characters look alright again Charles is my favorite everything is better or good compared to the rest of the characters like let me give a example, Toy Charles in my option his design is the worst since it took Charles designs and got rod of anything good like i think the only toy that looks good is toy Pedro since it inmoved things like to make him like making him kinda scary plus jr Morton witch is the puppet on his hand although we barely see him, the office looks like the nac 1 office with Little changes to make it more modern with the them, also i think the cameras are a just a small improvement not much but hey i thought i would mention it. in the end i think the visuals are a mixed bag the office, burnt animatronics and office look good but the toys look like they are from a Smf animation like really i dint even complain about rockstars Billy just look at him but the visuals in this game are good and i will give it a 6/10.

Music: The music of nac 2 is also just the main menu but is way better than nac 1 it has the sound of pure evil i like it because it captures the feeling of the game very well in my option but with the lack of music i don’t think this section get higher than a 4/10

Final Rating: I think that nac 2 a fine game and i don’t think is good as nac 1 but i recommend to play it and after the 2nd game i would give this game a 8/10. After the 2nd game the 3rd one started production.

Nightmare at Charles 3

The 3rd game in the series obviously based off FNAF 3 there no more characters like from the first 2 games the new characters are like from of we got a fnaf game that took place in a factory that characters from fredbear's family diner on the first night thare is nothing like FNAF 3 i think night 1s are super boring in every fnaf game ever the official ones That’s why fnaf fan games like JR's and Tealerland are one of my favorite they don’t need the 12am to 6am cycle to be fun but ok I’m getting off topic lets start now with nac 3

Gameplay: The gameplay of nac 3 is that you have a music button on your camera now the cameras and music can break you have repair buttons on the cameras to fix them but for the cameras you need to flip down you monitor to show something again you also have a lights that you can turn off and on to defend if animatronic gets in your office there is also a charter that you have to turn off the lights to get rid of so ya got it cams, music, and lights now lets get to the animatronics

Ricky Rabbit: active night 2, Ricky is the fredbear of nac, he is a grey bunny he is the most active he can be lured away with music he can also go out before you open the cams the first time but that is rare he also can be fooled by the lights when there off but it works 70% of the time

Dingo: Dingo is the same as Ricky and the only different is that he is active on night 2

Potty parrot: Potty he he funny name btw is same to dingo and Ricky he or she is active on night 3

Endo 01: is same as every charter till now he is active on night 4

Demon Rabbit: Demon Rabbit fun fact was a easter egg in the first 2 games he is a purple rabbit i got him on night 2 on nac 1 and on night 4 on nac 2 don’t loke and him and pull up the camera although i dont know how to counter him in nac 2 he is rare anyway but if you flip down your monitor and see him turn off the lights this is the character i lost to the most since i wasn’t fast enough i just died to him 2 times he is active on night 3

The gameplay in my opinion is not bad if you could cheese this game just open the cams repair camera and music and play between to rooms wtf and if you cameras die DONT CLOSE YOUR CAMERA because of demon rabbit and That’s it wtf I 100% the game like this, the gameplay ist bad but because this problem’s this makes the worst gameplay in the series because of this also all the characters except demon rabbit being lured with music is so LAME! i would say that FNAF 3 was better with its gameplay than this one and That’s it with the gameplay overall its mediocre final rating 3/10.

Visuals: Ok compared to nac 1 and 2 nac 3 is way better it goes back to the og fnaf 1 style witch Andrew is best at Ricky while being nothing special but his cam posses make him look amazing the rest are cool i love how dingo is a dalmatian Little fun fact about me 101 dalmatian’s is one of my favorite movies ever. Now demon rabbit is the same as every game till this point so nothing new his jumpscare is also bad its just a frame and it feels like a jumpscare from ucn but overall 9/10 i love it its amazing.

Music: ok the nac series doesn’t have any music like any only the main menu and this games menu is just sound? Like what anyways i have to say 2/10 for the music.

Final Rating: This game is the worst in this series its not bad but it lacks good gameplay and music also the extras are So empty in every game sure saving time but come on after 2 super empty extras you cant add characters and making of 2 animatronics. And the game its probably a 6/10 for me the visuals are really good and everything else is mid with this game out off the picture we have one last game left Nightmare at Charles 4 the final game in the series Hun... lets start.

Nightmare at Charles 4

The Final game of this saga nac 4 is based on FNAF 4 and it concludes the story of nac 4 lets start

Gameplay: The gameplay AUDIO Sound plays a big sound if you want a good tutorial watch Batmini007 video if you want big help with the rest of the games of nac now the characters

Demented Charles: he is active on night 1 he will come to your room hide you will hear footsteps when he is gone.

Demented Ashley: she is active on night 1 and when you hear a sound close your window she will be gone for a couple of seconds.

Demented Morton: if you hear bushes close your window and when they stop bye morton also he is active on night 1

Demented Billy: active on night 2 you will hear footsteps shine your light on him in the closet till he is gone.

Demented Pedro: he will come thru the vents like Billy shine you lights up he will not make a sound so oftenly check he is easy to deal with him but sometimes i died because of him since many times Billy or Ashley came and I’m ft. Oh also he is active on night 1

Demonic Rabbit: the Demented version of demon Rabbit he will be active on night 5 on 4 am he can attack in 3 different ways first he will appear in the window if you see him SHUT IT, the 2nd way is like Demented Charles he will appear in your room hide and boom, the 3rd way is that he appears in the closet don’t shine you light on him and he will be gone.

Overall this is so hard but fun i do think it could been easier on Demented mode the max mode of this game also its scary it got me so many times the other game that is scary is nac 1 because of the jumpscare noise but nac 4 jumpscares are amazing the animation sound is super good but i have some problem’s on the early nights like 2 and 3 its hard but if you learn every sound and what they mean its easy i beated Demented mode on the first try. This gameplay is the best in the series its a 9/10

Visuals: Andrew you overdid yourself sure its not impressive now but for the series visuals THESE are next level like Demonic Rabbit is just amazing he looks phenomenal its better than any character designs in nac also Pedro’s animation is good not spectacular but really decent. 7/10

Music: ok audio is a big part and always works so really good the menu is also really fitting for this game i don’t know what to talk about this so 5/10

Final thought’s: nac 4 is the 2nd best i like the 1st game more because personal reasons but this is so close to the best now after you beat Demented mode there is cutscence all the og nac 1 animatronics heads having light in there eyes being freed while and the music is just gold hun get it "Just GOLD" hun that song was fire ok what time i went off topic 2nd or 3rd time lets finish review. Game rating btw 9/10.


Ok the story Ricky’s opens a kid dies Ricky’s closes and Charles pizza opens some kids get killed then on night 6 the pizza Burnt to the ground then the Charles company partners with fazbear entertainment even if they stopped making animatronics they make more and the rockstars are made and a new pizzeria also the nac 1 characters survive and they are the burnt charters now and after night 6 you get paid but the restaurant is closed because the company did and starts to close everything and then they need a guard to take care of the place and on over the week they find 4 charters Ricky the og one and the rest of the old animatronics on night 6 some body stole the animatronics and nac 4 story starts the guy who stole them and dissembled them i like how Ricky’s face is on you table is nac 4 i don’t know really the story of nac 4 but the guy we play after capturing his life gets horrible he is haunted with the nightmares of the past je tries but in the final minigame he kills him self and something else? Idk many things of the story Andrew if you ever see this post please post a post explaining the story please I’m confused. Ok random thigs after beating it every max mode you get a cutscence like in nac 1 nac 2 is teased in nac 2 you have to repair Teresa the Tiger and she attacks you and you see while you are in a suit also in nac 2 since i forgot rockstar Charles, Ashley and Billy are active on night 1 on night 2 burnt Ashley and Billy are active along with the toy Pedro and on nights 3-5 Teresa and the rest of the burnt characters are active Charles being active last on night 5 also a guy named Batmini007 made tutorials he did make the android porta by Loren studio along with different fnaf fangame ports ones with every charles game. and andrew reworked his 2nd game Five Nights at Freddy's: The Beginnings also ported by Loren (future Disamol here so update this review was written in august and now loren and Andrew collabed and now nac 1 to 4 and fnaf the beginnings are now on the official game page) btw Andrew is currently working on "Terminal OC Night" witch i am really hyped about. Over all The series is underrated in my opinion its fun more scary than most games inspired by fnaf in general and its fun. And I’ve been @Disamol bye guys.

also go check out the Nightmare at Charles



Next up

In all seriousness i still don't like fnaf in real time, still carries alot of issues from the demo and it seems like they were more focused on adding pointless filler and ironing out the major AI bugs then fixing anythige else


true ones will remember this pfp

So, things have been quiet. Well, reason being we're retexturing work and planning more stuff that'll go into the final. I can't show the other version, but have this one

Retextures by my friend: @MeikoHiya

attempted to recreate spring toy freddy from one night at springtraps in 3d

base model from ufmp

10 years of Fangames ❤️

i doubt but does anyone have this game ironically

The search for New Horizons begins tomorrow... At 16:00 EST (New York Time) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fro7ud7hRqo

Kinda find it funny that all my meh games are on the MML list, even tho i dont have the most positive opinion on its community and games