Project: D.U.L

7 months ago

The one behind the mask by after centuries. #Joltober2023 #art #dev



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What stash to expand? #NoFool

Take it to 95' before CD disc were transferred together.

Fear to go in under. Continuous event from lasts. And thought of they come after you after escape alive. #Joltober2023


Turbo's alive to the Real World.

Three pieces of separate objects to one combined figure on your desktop. #Turbotime Vinyl Figure coming in all sets and customize racers as format or gcode files to print.

#3D #3DPrinting  #Blender3d #TobiKomi

Julio! Yep! It's Julio the pigeon! Hey, don't be like that, say hello to Julio, he's still shy around here!

Low poly model of a pigeon, isn't it cute?

Printed the ReSourcer Keychain. #3DPrinting #IRL

The time it was designed by the plush toy. And the frontier in life size as the scaled. #3d #horror #horror #toy

Battle background, this time of a cave

#pixelart #rpgmaker

3d Printing the #TurboTime Vinyl Figure Prototype.

#3d #irl #3DPrinting #retro