FNaF World Archives

2 years ago

The page's design is complete, it now also has the APK file for the Android port of FNaF World. I will be working on getting the other versions of the PC version of FNaF World when I can, but for now I'm gonna take a tiny break. See y'all then!



Next up

Fairly big update about the GameJolt page for FNaF World Archives.

v1.019 has been added.

workin' on a little somethin' lol

Gameplay (DEMO) reveal trailer out now!

I just added the screenshots to the media section of the port's page, all I gotta do is upload the soundtrack and release the port to the public sometime later today. See y'all soon!

The Lost In Isolation Game Jam has officially started!

Submit your games here:

Join the server for updates:

Ahoi! I'm alive lol

v1.02, v1.021, and v1.022a have been added to the archives. I've also changed the logo for FWA a tiny bit, it mainly had to do with the shade of purple for the outline due to it being a tad bit too bright in my opinion.

"The Synthesis"

The latest/possibly final version of the port will be released to the public sometime today! The port's page has also been updated drastically, and the media section will also be updated once I get the chance to do so. :)