One Night at Clark's [INDEV]

1 month ago

The past day has been me working for on ONaC so I could produce a trailer that's less than a minute long

It comes out this Friday, 5PM BST. If you're following this game, you should subscribe so you don't miss it.

link in the article......................



Next up

It has been a LONG while since I've made a video devlog for this game, but I've been in CRUNCH mode for this game recently, so that means I've done some stuff.

Read the article below

One Night at Clark's - Early Access



Bluite's Therapy

I made this a year ago but remastered it since it looked BAD..................

Oh yeah watch this on my yt, too

Every shadow is a caution.

Okay this is the final revamp for the office CHAT I PROMISE, I felt like it needed a tiiiinny bit more polishing after taking a break from working on this game, so yeah.

This post is to let everyone know progress has been going great, I'll be making a devlog about it very soon!

"I should have Golden Clark done by tomorrow"

Completes the drawing May 12th

This Comes From Inside.

Gamejolt, PLEASE fix this

It keeps telling me i've gotten new notifications even if there is none

I think I speak for a lot of people because I've seen posts about this issue before