Repainted in Gold

2 months ago

The protagonist, The Inept:

The protagonist (me and my friends like to call them "The Inept") does not have a name, or an explicit gender for that matter, and does not talk very often. I want the player to feel like they are the protagonist in this story instead of putting themselves into another person's shoes that may have a different personality in which they don't share any similiarities with.

The character is not bland however, as they often do have internal monologues and deep thoughts about their actions. I want the player to feel the problems they have throughout the journey, which of course, I can't say much about it as of now. The ineptitude they carry has to be understood so that the player can empathize with the character itself.

Everyone has problems and everyone can be judged by simply being labeled as an "inept", someone who can't determine their life and just contemplates without performing any actions to make it better.

I often thought about being one sometime, and I'm sure I'm not the only one; that is the main reason why I wanted to portray the character that way: it represents mine, yours and everyone's existential problem in some sort of way.

The protagonists of Aron Hector Schmitz's books, mainly the one in "Zeno's Conscience" was my main inspiration to then shape what the character would be. Although Zeno doesn't know he is an inept and keeps lying to himself, the protagonist in Repainted in Gold knows he is, but they don't do much about it at all, or do they? That's for you to find out once the game is out.

Lastly, another main inspiration was the protagonist in the movie "Drive". The Pilot there barely talks and thoughout the movie he can be considered an inept for a good while into it, but then he manages to act and determine his life by saving the girl he loves. This is something that happens in RIG as well, but it's not what you'd expect at all.

Thank you very much if you had the time to read all of this. I've been very busy and tired lately and haven't really made any good progress. I'm in my full 19 years of life and I want to spend them with my loved ones and studying very hard to pass the final exam I have in June.

Thank you again, and see you next time! :D



Next up

Nobody told me he could do this.

You are my sunshine.

My only sunshine.

BATMAN REPAINTED HIMSELF IN GOLD?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!



(video illustration by @Tronythecombat , song by @Er19_Composer )

Every shadow is a caution.

Yeah it's true 100% guaranteed

"This restaurant is great, so many guys I can repaaaint! Where can I start? I'm addicted to Gold!".

By @Tronythecombat

meet Eddie (you play as this dude)

@Janik_55555 whenever you call him out for his cringe games...