3 days ago

the rainbow quest has been done

also congratulations to @Victoree , @Official_Dumbass_69 , @slenderdeath , @oshino and other people who got this trophy for getting it too!

and once again happy pride month!!!



Next up

I gotta say @lee710 you actually surprised me

thank you

"GO TO HELL" ~Joel

well, it looks like pride month ended it was fun while it lasted

but hey, at least it's international fruit day today and I wonder if you know what that means

Catalyst is a techno witch and the first trans woman added to Apex! Respawn worked with voice actor Meli Grant (who is trans herself) as well as GLAAD to create the character. Catalyst is out, proud, and, as Grant told GamesRadar, "inescapably trans."

that moment when

Isobel is a cleric & the protector of the Last Light Inn! Openly queer, she's part of why GLAAD said Baldur's Gate 3 "does more than just welcome queer people. It embraces us and weaves our stories throughout the vibrant and dynamic world it crafts."


random ai_sponge shitpost

Love yourself even if pride month is now over, stay strong someone does/will love you for you. #PrideJolt #Trans

I would like to announce that @FrostfangVR may be a featured creator at VidCon In Baltimore
