Nights Shifts At Pierre

1 year ago

The reason this not out yet.

Hey everyone, can I be real with you all for a moment?

So, I've been pretty excited to release this game, however...I (Main Account & Alt Account.) have been very burnt out working on this game and many other projects.

I wanted this game to release sooner, but I'm just feeling too burnt out and working on other stuff.

I want to take a break but at the same time I want to talk to my friends.

This game will be released eventually, but I'm not sure when.

And I might not make a 2nd or 3rd game...

Besides, school starts very soon for me which makes me even more upset...

Random Nights at Randomness will be the main focus as it's on my Main Account...

But for now...

Take care, it's a desert out there...



Next up

I like to finally show gamepage of new game I making call Nights Shifts at Pierre!

The game may have updates well see...

It's time for recode.

It's not over yet...

This is The Greatest Discord Call of All Time

ITS MY SPAWN DAY!!! :D #spawnday


even if nobody cared.

since my i guess "ELLIE'S" Baylor the Spider design has been with me for atleast a good 2 years i think it's best i redesigned her to be more fitting with the style of ELLIE'S and to look closer to her design in TSSAA and FR Remastered

Two can play alongside.

Fuck Ass.

new youtube intro by @JOE_THE_ALLIGATOR

Boo, did I scare you guys?