Version 1.3.3 - December 6th, 2020
Adjusted Power to be a tiny bit more lenient.
Decreased Power Consumption slightly.
Post your thoughts in the comments section, as I believe this is a definitive version.
Version 1.3.2 - December 3rd, 2020
Adjusted some AI, while leaving power unchanged.
Adjusted Freddy's AI to leave the right door more quickly.
Please post your thoughts in the comment section!
Version 1.3.1 - December 1st, 2020
Same effort to try to make the game difficult, while keeping it fair on easier nights.
Reduced amount of time each night by 30 seconds.
Decreased Power Consumption Rate slightly.
AI is unchanged.
Please post your thoughts in the comment section!
Version 1.3.0 - December 1st, 2020
In an attempt to make the game more difficult, we are testing various methods in order to achieve this.
Added more time to each night to more accustom the Puppet's spawn time.
Increased Power Consumption of the Right Door, it now takes 2 pieces of the usage bar, instead of 1 piece of the usage bar.
AI is unchanged.
Tweaked the Power to start off with 99% rather than 100%, more like the original game.
Please post your thoughts in the comment section!