Green Jerry's Android Port Collection

14 days ago

The RTTF 1 2.0, RTTF 2 and FNaW Deluxe ports have been canceled.

The RTTF ports have been canceled because the official ports (made by @NightInk and @FateForWindows ) of these games have been uncanceled recently, so it's now unnecessary for me to port RTTF 1 2.0 or RTTF 2.

I'll still keep my RTTF 1 port available for download until the new official RTTF 1 port gets released. After it gets released, I'll hide the download for my port of that game.

Regarding FNaW Deluxe, it's canceled because of private reasons. Do not ask me about FNaW Deluxe.



Next up

New example is out: FNaF Clock/Time with Minutes.

If @Chrowden ports FNaW Deluxe before I start working on my port of that game, I'll cancel my port.

Someone requested him to port it, and it was one of the choices on his latest poll.

New port is out: Five Nights at Smudger's 2.

Find it on the game's original page:

Rebooted. [READ ARTICLE]

Reuploaded The Tubbyland Archives: ACT 1 recode port on the page.

If you've made a gameplay video of the port, update your links!

Here's the full 3 btw, since it's revealed. Models are by me and I've always wanted to show these too lmao

This is from the latest announcement on #other-announcements in the FNaW Discord server, it seems like the official RTTF ports are going to be uncanceled at some point in the future.

Reuploaded this port to my port collection page, because this game's original page got unlisted.

After a good while of waiting I am finally safe to show this render featuring me and @Fredinator 's Fredbear models!

Bought this blue orca plush earlier today