2 years ago

The secrets behind the trailer images 1~3 of A Week with Javier 3

I brighter the pictures with thoughts and I found something interesting. Has anyone else already found these out? If yes I am just going to be a stupid here, but it's OK. I am still gonna talk about these. You can either look at the images yourself, or listen to me.. Or do whatever you want!

This is also probably the first time the developer hides stuffs in the trailer images. (Doesn't matter.)

①In the first picture, you see Cyangle hiding in the dark with different designs from the previous games. Which symbolized that some kinds of Cyangle appears in the third game. I am late, don't know if it is already here before the demo is out.

②In the second image, we get to have a preview of the Evil Javier of the third game. I am going to be talking about what he would be like when he appears in the third game. Don't watch if you already know somehow.

Well you can watch anyways:

There is a green eye and a red eye around him out of nowhere, however they are not really his own eyes, because if you look carefully, you see a red dot on his both eyes, they are his 2 eyes.

He has a hook like thing now, maybe he now uses that as a weapon to kill you, because there is blood. But if yes, where did the purple knifes owned by him go? Unless he uses the hook for something else, for example, hook the body which is left by yours, or himself up. But he doesn't need to do that if he can already fly, will the power and forces of him change in the third game? I still didn't play the demo, but I don't think he will appear that early, hopefully! I think the important will point to The Scrapped Ones or something else in the demo, Imao.

All of his white teeth are gone, what are left are his gold ones. Oh, poor Evil Javier.

His cloth might be kind of broken as well.. All of these things make him look scarier and more evil.

This is it! The end of this passage. I am going into the third game!

You mean the third image? Well I guess nothing is actually hiding in the 3th image lol I just thought that was fu


Wow, what is that?

Anybody check it out?

The 3th image actually holds no secrets, I did that for fun.

No More Fun :>



Next up

Hello everybody! I got up very early yesterday, to complete AWWJ1. The night 8 and the two secrets nights took me many hours to beat. Anyways for congratulations, here is my another fanart!

I released a review video of the Classic Edition of Five Nights at Arias on YouTube. Wish you enjoy this! :D


I also review it in the comments XD


Go check if you want!

Mike animation! :P

I have been a fan of AWWJ for a long time, especially being fascinated by the arts in the series. However I haven't done anything in the little community yet. So, here I am, here is my fan art!

AWWJ 3 fan poster!

"there is no one else left... ARE ALL DEAD... but unfortunately... I am still alive"

I make some pictures because I'm bored

"The Javier Week" AWWJ Javier Fanart (Drawn in 8 hours)

You'd better read the article XD Ready, to show you a surprise!

I got you now, Nick!

(Context: it's based on Darkness Update)

Jolly2 V1.0.7 The Odd Ones Out challenge Completed!

Only 5/20 left…

I think I can't beat it this time lol