3 months ago

The state of The Integrate Project.

For a while now, Integrate has been in development hell. It's been passed from one team to another and has pretty much never been released.

As an avid fan of the project, I contacted @Dev_Of_Power for updates on the game. We talked a bit, and I wouldn't say we were friends, more acquaintances. I had been working on ONaSCS 5 - 6 throughout the time we had DMed and took much advice from him. Integrate updates eventually became scarce, and DMs also became scarce. The game got canceled a few days after I showcased my Integrate fan project to Devvy, and now that I could develop this project with Devvy's consent, I pushed forward with developing the Integrate Project after it got canceled. Dev sent me the original .sb3 file, and I went on my way, fully reprogramming the whole project myself, as Nater didn't want me to use the original source code.

After ONaSCS 6 was released, I realized months later that I couldn't develop the Integrate Project on my own, so I left it on hold on my list of things to do for an uncertain time. Months passed by, and I had not done any work on it. I finally found time to work on it sometime in September and thought, "Great! Now I could finally finish this." so I restarted work on the project and eventually AGAIN realized that I couldn't do this on my own at the scope I was hoping for, so I left it on hold again.

I've become interested in working on this again after looking through unfinished projects on my computer and finding my old Integrate saves. Here's what's gonna happen.

I'm renaming the project to just "Integrate" to distance this project away from the original Integrate Project name; I feel like I would be violating the wishes of the original creators if I created a different game from what the original game was with the same characters and the same name, so I'm just killing one of those. I'll try to fulfill Nater's promise of releasing the original version to the public since he promised a while ago to release what they have after it was canceled, but I can't be too sure he'll budge. Either way, I will try to put out a help request for Integrate, and we'll see who bites.

Thanks for reading. No one will probably read this because nobody cares about this project anymore except me, but I see potential in this stupid little game. Integrate is gonna be more than an FNaF fangame and probably won't be able to be considered an FNaF fangame, but this project will always have its roots in a canceled FNaF fangame that had to go through hell and back to be released.

Again, thanks. See you on the flipside.

Check out Integrate at this link: https://gamejolt.com/games/integrategame/887009



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New Logo, Tell Me Your Thoughts.

No Lights Chapter 2 Cover

I made a little oopsie at the end, its supposed to say 8/9/22, but it says 4/9/22, just to say that

its close

Only True Jolters Repost…

#IFoundSonic Best game in my opinion, besides from the 2 Adventure games (not including battle and DX which are technically the same game as their dreamcast counterparts).


Hey Y’all, just taking a mental health break from working on INTEGRATE cause of IRL… problems. I’m gonna need some time to pick myself back up after a sudden issue, but don’t worry, INTEGRATE’s development will soon start after.

do you see anything different?