2 years ago

The Top 6 most Creepiest Boss fights in many sega video Games, These bosses are from similar & Different Sega titles.

  1. Biolizard from sonic Adventure 2 (Battle).

  2. The Black Widow Queen from

    Vectorman 2.

  3. Vortex Queen phase: 1 from Ecco the Dolphin.

  4. The Foe Queen from Ecco: Defender of the Future.

  5. King Boom Boo from Sonic Adventure 2 (Battle).

  6. Vortex Queen phase: 2 from ecco the Dolphin 2: The Tides of Time.

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This is an interesting fact I had found.

Here is another fun fact which mentions an Easter egg of another sega game

Did You Know: The Vectorman Series Also Had Sega Tunes soundtrack & CD Which features some of the Games Soundtrack that is Remixed From the first Vectorman Game.

It's December! Almost Winter Season and decorating your friends like a Christmas tree!

What best In-game music In Vectorman Is Your Favorite? Feel Free To answer in the Comments section If You Want to.

#Vectorman #Sega

Team Chaotix Family photo thing :p

#gjask I would choose Vectorman as one of my favorite mascots

Here is the New Vectorman logo I was Working on just now

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Knuckles!

Complete the quest (if you haven't already) and you'll get a Sonic pack!

This is another fact I just found out about.