Hey guys, long time no see! I know I haven’t really said much lately, but I have safely tell you all that production of Drawkill’d 2 is in full swing. School is out for me now, and I can now get to the nitty-gritty of development. The game is looking fantastic, and I believe this game can compete with games on the top page for once, although I wouldn’t push it right now. More info is on the way later on, but this isn’t the main topic.
I am now opening my own Discord Server!
For those who don’t know, discord is a free chatting app similar to Skype, except you can create chat groups, and voice chats as well. It’s also targeted at gamers, which is mostly why I chose this platform to set this up.
I wanted to make this because I wanted to make it easier to communicate with others who enjoy my work. I will also be posting polls, news updates, and various other things to the server, so that I can clean up with what I post to GameJolt. I will still be using GameJolt to post teasers and trailers, though. :)
This sort of thing is new to me, and so I’ve never done this before. I feel confident enough however that I can manage the server for right now, however I’m also looking for some good moderators as well to assist me. I have a good list of people who can help me, however I will wait a little later for that.
I also recommend reading the rules before anything else when you join. I don’t want much conflict going on simply because rules weren’t read. They’re not that long to read either. Hopefully things work out.
And with that, here’s the link. Don’t forget to make an account if you haven’t already. I’m still working on the channel, so things are subject to change. In the meant time, see you all later. :)