Those Dark Nights at Aran's and Toto's Chapter 2

1 year ago

The warehouse of, Aran and Friends, has been Changed

El almacén de, Aran and Friends, ha sido Cambiado


I changed the design of the warehouse a bit, I wanted to improve it,

  • I removed most of the references from the game, I put too many and I think I exaggerated with it, and from the references it seemed that the game didn't itself seriously, and well, I removed most of it, and the ones I didn't remove I made small and not so big

  • And changes in lighting

    And I plan to redo the page teasers soon.

    Well, I just wanted to let you know about these new changes, what do you think?


Cambié un poco el diseño del almacén, quería mejorarlo,

  • Eliminé la mayoría de las referencias del juego, puse demasiadas y creo que exageré con eso, y por las referencias parecía que el juego no se tomaba en serio, y bueno, eliminé la mayoría, y las que no eliminé hice pequeño y no tan grande

  • Y los cambios en la iluminación.

Y planeo rehacer los teasers de la página pronto.

Bueno, solo quería informarles sobre estos nuevos cambios, ¿qué opinan?



Next up

Five Nights at Angel's and Those Dark Nights at Aran's and Toto's

They are Canon

I ̸͖͠'M ̸͈͑̍TR ̷̤̂A ̶̼̗̑͝PPE ̷̪̿͠D..............F ̸͖͓͠R ̶̼̗̑͝ ̸͈͑̍E ̸͈͑̍E ̷̤̂ ̶̼̗̑͝M ̷̪̿͠E,.................H ̸͖͓͠E ̸͈͑̍I̶̯̊̒ ̶̢̪̍P ̷̤̂ ̶̼̗̑͝M ̷̪̿͠E

The full game is now available, enjoy the game :)

Ramiz & Friends: Revisualized - Out Now!

Developed By: @GhostGamesX , @jnity , @BubyGamer11 , & many others!

Those Dark Nights at Aran's and Toto's Chapter 2, Wallpaper Official

Even gods fall, but they'll never die...

Sorry for not showing news of Lino's Diner but the game is still in progress.

1 Year of The Night With Gumball!!! + MFA released!!!

Chuck's and Toony's Midway