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Nota: Se que paso mucho tiempo pero me acorde que la parte 2 nunca salió así que les dejo un teaser para confirmar la ultima entrega de cakebear.

Modelo echo por: y

ENG: I've Made Some Edits of a Fnaf Fangame Called Five Nights at Candy's

If you use any of these Edits, give me credit

ESP: He hecho algunos Edits de un Fangame de Fnaf llamado Five Nights at Candy's

Si usas alguna de estos edits, dame crédito

I ̸͖͠'M ̸͈͑̍TR ̷̤̂A ̶̼̗̑͝PPE ̷̪̿͠D..............F ̸͖͓͠R ̶̼̗̑͝ ̸͈͑̍E ̸͈͑̍E ̷̤̂ ̶̼̗̑͝M ̷̪̿͠E,.................H ̸͖͓͠E ̸͈͑̍I̶̯̊̒ ̶̢̪̍P ̷̤̂ ̶̼̗̑͝M ̷̪̿͠E

Hello everyone, I wanted to tell you that I am preparing a Demo of TDNaAAT 2.0 so you can see more details of the new update, but I want to ask you, do you want to play a Demo or wait for the full game to come out?

  29 votes Voting finished