3 years ago

The Worst Part About MLB Is It's Fanbase!

And The Reception Of New Kuro Neko Trailer Has Made Me Want To Cut Ties With It!

Season 4 of MLB has been a rollercoaster of emotions that's for sure and this new MLB episode (Kuro Neko) looks like it will be no different! LB & CN's relationship isn't the best right now and many people are blaming Ladybug (personally I think they're both equally to blame) and after the new trailer 90% of the fandom seemed upset over the fact that Ladybug said "he's just a partner" which I don't understand what is so bad about that it's literally the same as "she's just a friend" and people are also freaking out about how Ladybug had an outburst at Chat saying "if you want to help stop bothering me" which while it seems like she's being mean to him, it is more than likely we don't have the full context of the situation! And then people are getting mad at LB for replacing CN, which is understandable, BUT we also don't have the context for that situation AND we know she needs a CN, as proven in Ephemeral when she needed 9 heroes cuz he wasn't there.

Honestly I'm sick of the Mari/LB hate, I understand she is contributing to CN's emotional pain but he isn't opening up to her and people seem to take any reason to hate on LB/Mari even out of context clips like the ones in the Kuro Neko Trailer!

I am not a Mari stan nor an Adrien one and I like them equally but the hate on Marinette/Ladybug has spiraled out of control, not only are people hating on her for out of context clips that are translated from another language, but if you really think about these situations (even the out of context ones) all the Ladynoir drama Scenarios this season are either no ones fault or equally both of their fault (for example Glaciator 2. CN was constantly being pushy toward LB, and LB overreacted in her anger toward him) I honestly just want this Mari hate to stop, even if she isn't in the wrong once we get the context for Kuro Neko people will still find a way to hate on her, which is sad...

I might make a full on review of the Mari/LB hate and why I think it is way too much but I just needed to state my opinion, I'm really looking forward to Kuro Neko and I don't want people being mad at Marinette when she probably has a justified reason, (like him not showing up during akumas which we see in the start of the Kuro Neko trailer) I hope to just enjoy the episode...

I would like to hear your thoughts! Do you agree or disagree and please tell me why or why not!



Next up

As someone who was disappointed in Splatoon 2 and found it to be a lackluster sequel, Splatoon 3 looks incredible!!! All the new content isn't insanely huge but the game looks so fresh and exciting!!!

"EA bad!1!!11! Popcap Good!!111!!!!11!!!1"


I-I mean if you really want me to....

Miraculous Season 4 Episode 24: Penalteam - Trailer⚽

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AiBsOqvpRJg

Penalteam is coming out on Mundo Gloob February 14th!

listen up kids


The first part of the season 4 finale of Miraculous was accidentally released in english and it is INSANE!!!! ITS PROBABLY ONE OF THE BEST EPISODES IN THE SHOW!!

I Will post a link to the episode as soon as I can!!

uhhh πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

Happy Fall!

This Is The Season Of Change. Leaves Are Changing, The Homes Of Animals Are Changing And The Warm Weather Is Also Changing Into Cooler Weather! Happy Fall All And Enjoy The Beauty Of This Season Has To Offer!

My dad left me outside for 29 minutes

