Showman's: Long Hours
2 years ago

The year comes to a close, and another begins to open!

2022 was an odd year for me. I’ll be honest, I wish I did more, but I had been so caught up in things that I just couldn’t.

Two big highlights of this year from me would have to have to be revealing Long Hours on The Awakening’s first anniversary, and also having Long Hours’ first trailer showcased at the Fangame Direct!

So what can you expect from me in 2023?

Phobia: Long Hours will no doubt be my highest priority throughout the whole year until I finish it. The game started off with very different mechanics from what you see now (same office, however), and eventually it got changed up a lot. Some of these mechanics have clashed and would make gameplay very odd, and recently I’ve been fixing those up and improving them. I’ve realized that the break I took was very much needed, and I realized a lot about the game and also myself. I’ll be honest here, I’ve been pretty hard on myself with this game and pretty stressed about it. There was something in my head telling me “Finish Long Hours first, everything else can wait”, and it hasn’t been the healthiest thing for me. This should explain why I haven’t done a whole lot else. That aside, I’m feeling better now. I’m still focusing a lot on this game but I’m trying to take a calmer approach on myself with it, but at the same time I don’t want to take a whole other year working on it. I know I can get it done sooner than I think if I really tried. As for teasers, those come as either milestones for the game’s development, or to just celebrate something. Trailer 2 will likely be the last big teaser of the game, but that doesn’t mean that there won’t be teasers in video form, of course! And for when it may release, I couldn’t say as I’m just not sure at all. If anything, I’m hoping to get it done by near the middle of the year or so. This game is a very ambitious project, one of the biggest things I’ve ever made, but I do know what I’m doing with it and seriously hope I can pull it off! I’m looking forward to going back into development in full focus very soon here!

I’ve been slowly but surely learning Unreal Engine 5, and I am hoping to be able to make my first game in it this year! It’ll probably be some simple horror game or something like that. Nothing too special.

I have many projects in mind, most of them aren’t FNaF fangames, but I do think some of you may enjoy them. My horizons as a video game developer have greatly expanded, and with me learning UE5, some projects I’m planning out are being set aside until I learn more so I can make them even better, perhaps maybe even try to get them out on Steam at some point. I know some of you probably really want to see more FNaF-like stuff from me, and while I can’t confirm anything, you probably will! I can’t wait to share more fun, scary, and even weird projects with you in the future!

Happy New Year!



Next up

I'll explain later. Have this.

On this day last year, Phobia: Long Hours' trailer released and was also showcased during Fangame Direct 2022!

They will eventually take over this game's page once they've awakened.

There is nothing you can do to stop them.

totally legit lore i promise (im lying)

Phobia: Long Hours' trailer has well over 100,000 views!

Also, Long Hours' game page has begun the process of being changed to be part of Showman's now! It'll stay like this for a while, but in the future some new and exciting stuff should pop up!

I got inspired by phobia long hours and drew the wiggles robots as glamrock robots, I hope you guys like these designs

While nothing super exciting, the UI has been given a much-needed upgrade!

Very happy with the results!

Tomorrow, it’ll have been 3 years since I last completed development on a game.

Hoping to at least get something out this year, but only time will tell lol.

Algo mas complejo.

Something more complex.


Devlog for Long Hours!