1 month ago

There might be a dead body in the kitchen athic



Next up

sestor: andaba por las calles del Huanuco hasta que me encontré con un regalito... EL regalito

dni if you are a sestor or regalito fan

At this point I am supposed to WORK (you guys know on what) yet I procrastinate while having shitty drama in my mind about a future that is not even happening yet.

hice este curimomo creyendo que la vaina esa de Xiaro & Compañia vs Cleiver fue tan puta mierda al grado de hacerme asquiar lo que comí ayer (vomité en serio)

Solo para darme cuenta que era indigestión.

Igual por las moscas le echo los muertos a ellos

Happy pride month everybody!!!!

Remember to be yourself, respect others identities, and show pride, or Mason will get you.

interaction bait tweets sometimes are confusing like they say "what would you do in this situation?" and this is the picture like dude i wish but that wouldn't happen 😭

my fanart

me waking up with my only deviantart notification and then going to FL to listen my attempt of song but it is so loud my TEMU earphones does crunchy sound

(i'm both popular and a good composer)

putting this before midnight and then regret

what did sestor do

funny quirky drawing of the NSaW 2 cast but... #wacky