8 months ago

There really hasn’t been as much stuff happening for the past couple of days on my AF, and I’m in like a block period right now, so if anyone wants to like attack me or something you can, and if so I’ll do a revenge in return



Next up


Apparently @TuxedoPig REALLY likes hot dogs, good to know

Guess who made it before Beef Boss, and what I had for dinner back on the island lol

Chai in different brushes, just was testing something

Baldi's Basics Styled Gem

Ok good news and news

gem as a jolb (jolteon)

(intense magentr,,,,)

The day you can repost this

I also set Annie's bday to the release date of Antonball, so that's how I remembered lol

! Breaking News !

Benjiro has learned how to do a spindash

Happy Valentine's day

It’s him

Btw the name I decided on was Zeeki