16 days ago

These numbers are growing up fast by every day it pass, thanks again for the 700 likes :)



Next up

Let's do it again

Send the image of your OC for me to draw.

Also if you Haven't got yours drawn it's because I didn't see the image for reference. (and yea pfp doesn't count so you really need to send the image on the comments)

The limit it's still 5 btw.

Yeah another art trade but now it was with @EnzoGabriel_07f3 he really did a good job doing my OC ngl, the hands are just perfectly geometrical ✨

And as always the first is mine and the second is his artwork.


Close to 200 :)

Idk I just really like this guy

Some Kirby doodles made with markers!


I will draw everyone's OC's that comments here.

The limit is 5 so be sure to be the chosen one!

Blue 'n Beautiful Blue isn't just a sad color