box game
2 years ago

THIS CERTIFIED COOL MAN HAS MADE SPACE THEME (will post to music once i figure out how to actually download it lol)



Next up

update 1.2 will release mid-september

(gun spoiler)

??? BOIS ???

box game metal box edition

desert boss in the works

next i gotta fix the gun...

oh boi! this game is starting to devolop! for 0.0.2 i added

a few new levels

the icicle

and fixed some issues with some stuff lol

update 1.1 will include portugese spanish, russian, and greek translations! (wip pictures attached)

0.0.4 update!

now all 4 worlds have 4 levels!

the tutorial levels can now be skipped

added tree bois in the forest

added leaf shooting tree bois in the jungle

added leaf turrets created from shooting tree bois

added sandstorms to the desert

fixed the hub

Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.


Have a good Boi