This is my first fan art, which I drew under the impression of one of the compositions. Namely, his name is Dusk Stars. I hope you like it.
Next up
My favorite #SonicCharacter is Tails. I like his image of an inventor-an intelligent friend.
P.S. I hope that in the near future that huge dark spot on his reputation in the gaming canon will be erased forever.
#MinecraftBuild of course, this is not my best building, but alas, the rest has not been preserved :(
Wow, how the interface in Gamejolt has changed. Even as it is unusual.
Night in the Woods, Tick Tock, no fails
Game Jolt has been having problems with connection and synchronization lately. First I went in and all my charges were reset. Then I completed the quest, they gave me one charge, I re-entered and they reset them again. What's going on at all?
#JoltShot (sorry for being gone for a long time)
Just a $h!post(when I'm playing the new version Standoff 2, I want posh about this).
Nights in the Woods, Demon tower, Boss Final + Ending
How is this happened???