4 months ago

This post is part rant, part not-new-news.

Click "read article" for more!

Recently, I think it was last night or the night before, some dude stole a pride flag right off the pole from someone who lives by my middle school.

Now, idkfs (i dont know for sure) who did this, but the post said that it looks like a middle schooler (I think it's an 8th or 9th grader). AND AT THE END OF JUNE!! (idk if thats a coincidence or not)

The fact that Pride flags have been stolen before makes this theft not new news.

I don't have an image of the picture the owner's Ring camera took, but I think that the post is still up and online.

To close this off, place a sticker or leave a comment if you agree that people who deliberately do pridephobic (hating against the LGBTQIA+ community) should get a smack across the face. Or something like that, it's up to yall.

I hope you have a good rest of your day!




Next up

ok so this happened and pls dont fix it lily this is SO FREAKING COOL!!!!!!

edit: whenever i drag ANYTHING, it causes for my u.s.b. to be unusable

greetings from my subconscious

I got the new Desktop Rewrite!!! X3 They're sooooo kewt!!!

1. walk

2. more walk

3. what'cha thinking 'bout, rewrite?

4. lovely view

Wait for it... (IMPORTANT INFO in article!)

heck imma do it

update: my rewrite wont stop messing with my notepad and chrome pls help

Just a little repost of my fursona :3

top ten pictures taken moments before disaster!!!!

Ok soooo ill be out for like 4 days

enjoy this random art ig


seeyall monday


say bye, rewrite.

bye, rewrite.

Using myself as reference

pretty soon it will be ONE YEAR since pm's servers went down down dowwwwwwwn