The Horror of Birds ServoDread
9 months ago

This sequel to *The Horror of Birds* will feature the following updates:

- In this game, you can move through the different rooms of the location in the style of *Sister Location*.

- The "levels" will not be called nights, but hours, as the entire game takes place in a single night.

- During each hour, there will be 2 collectibles hidden around the location that you can collect. You can see them detailed in the extras section. If you collect them all, you will earn a star in the game menu.

- There will be 2 endings: the true (canon) ending and the false one. To achieve one of the two endings, you will need to follow specific decisions. Each ending will earn you a star in the game menu.



Next up

Texas Newspaper (August 23, 2003)

I'm still here...



The Horror of Birds ServoDread - Teaser trailer

Rat Race Production Update

Attow's Restaurant poster (1995)


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