10 months ago

thumbnail for my milsim game, changed the setting because the middle east feels generic.



Next up

Added the ability to choose your factions. The players clothing will now change depending on what faction you play as.

a lil project ive been working on, any feedback would be nice (uses skyistumblings engine ofc)

Made some art for the soviet ground forces, some lore for the game on the scratch project so check that out! thats all for now. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/875655772/

codebombs go brrrrrrrrrrrr

cant upload the mp4 for whatever reason but here is a small update on my milsim no one knew i was working on (added the ability to change fire modes and separated the arm from the gun)

Onix (left) Knox (right) Mio/Tails (middle)

almost done with the model, just need several details to draw on

A little update on the side project, its gonna be turned into something later on but its only really testing stuff. What yall think bout this?

what ya'll think?

some updates, laggy asf