Yes thats right! The funny stickman is back
As you may already know the current package is REALLY unstable, looking really ugly and full of bugs... so gross! So currently im making the best update this game will ever have.
This update will fix every error the original version has! And it will contain:
New designs of some characters and a better looking...
Some changes in the menu and new 5 characters!!! (this is still in development! Final version will be different
New shop with a new guest
(This is also still in development)
NEEEEEW AND COOOOOL CUTSCENES!!!! (no images for this one haha)
Original music made by the original @Martin2009
And more...
Thats it! really looking forward for this one, cant wait to see how it goes! See you soon :) (oh yeah, the game page will be updated soon)

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