The place in Mordım DLC is made from a cartoon named "Space Cowboy"
The cartoon characters you would see in the restaurant were:
Dielc (an alien cowboy aka the main character of the cartoon)
Skephen (the skeletons mafia leader aka the main villain of the cartoon
one of the skeleton minions of Skephen
Bluf (the blue wolf kid that a superhero [CRINGE]
Yondy (the yellow rabit that umm...a..casier?what?)
Well as you see,In a cartoon that not made for 9 years old kids shouldn't incloud something like a blue wolf kid that has superpowers and Yondy is umm...Idk looks like he came from nowhere,
And If they are seperated cartoons,Why would they be in there?
Soooo since I havent done a model for no one yet,I have completly redone both of Bluf and Yondy in lore and apperance while keeping the blue and yellow color theme.
Now Bluf is a protector that keeps his idenity secret (He is one of the consulate members named Kepır Cone)He is a citizen of Börü.They are not wolf or something like that,The icon of börü is a wolf and this is the reason that the armor (its not a 1300 era armor,its modern,and has AI assistance...sounds familiar?But It cant fly.) is looks like a wolf.And yes,In the restaurant,an actor must put it on.(Its still roaming in the game,the suit is electronic and did you see the things that comes from shoulders to hands?Its give super strenght to Bluf in the cartoon and allso,The hands doesnt falls of while it roams in the game.And the color theme is still dark blue but the glass part in the face is orange and some places have little bit different colors.)
Soo Bluf makes sense now right?
And Yondy is ummm....
Well I thing he shouldn't be serrious because of my plans for him (But not in this game or not this yondy,remember,if you wanna keep your secrets as secrets,than you must have different places to make it harder to find,and no Im not thinking something like "Oh Look at it! I thing a ghost that doesn't even in this game/lore is suddenly possesed this random robot for no reason!!!!!" )
Soo yondy is just a spice of fun for the cartoon,He is a random dude that makes the audience laugh with his puns.
This is space so I thing something like a yellow rabbit shouldn't be that weird,soo I dont know if I will remake his apperence.
And in the end,both of cartoon and actual reality makes sense. Im happy about the result.(I draw the desing in a 10 minnute lesson break.)
Have a great day.